The Introduction

Lately, I have been having so many conversations about the extraordinary changes people are moving through, in both their outer world and their inner world. And for me personally, the last several months have also been a time of profound evolution that has increased exponentially in both intensity and pace.

Old, deeply embedded and outdated layers of thinking, feeling, reacting and simply perceiving the world through which I walk, are being released, and this process has created an expansive space for new creation to take form… and I know that many of you are experiencing the same in your own unique way and at the pace that is appropriate for your souls evolution.

There is truly a paradigm shift happening in the collective, and on both a spiritual-metaphysical level as well as a physical-matter, biological level, the driving force of our awakening is our ability to consciously move toward, take in, and integrate more light.

Physical Light, Celestial Light, and the Light of Consciousness itself.

I have mentioned previously that one of the biggest recent shifts for me was my decision to leave KAP. It has been a profoundly freeing process which immediately opened up new vistas of possibility for me on both the externally manifested and internally embodied levels.

But what really took me by surprise was the rapid, almost instant way in which the energies within me expanded and reorganized in order to meet this soul-level resonance. I found myself wanting to dive head-first into the newness and all the heightened energies, and to immediately share it with the world!

However, that decision also shined a necessary light on the parts of self that were still resting in the shadows, dormant and undernourished, and I encountered a lot of resistance in some very subtle ways… ways in which the universe reflected back to me the need to pause, slow way down, and allow a deeper realignment to complete before moving forward.

It was more evidence that in the difficult yet imperative action of following our truth, the universe will always respond in support. The issue we often face however, is that sometimes the messages from the universe aren’t terribly obvious or clear, and a refinement of our inner compass is necessary in order to understand.

Which is, of course, exactly why the slowing down and turning inward is required first and foremost over any outward action.

But now, finally, the external manifestations have come together to meet my internal, integrated space, and in this harmony, I am honored to finally introduce you to:

An illumination and energetic activation of your divine human template, infused with channeled frequencies of pure-light and higher-dimensional consciousness.

Your Light Body is your spiritual essence, the part of you that encompasses your higher, divine self while housed in human form. Sometimes referred to as the etheric body, your subtle energy body, or in sacred geometric terms, merkaba, the Light Body is the entire aspect of your energetic-spiritual construct, including your chakra system and kundalini.

If you’ve worked with me previously through KAP, this transmission may not appear much different on the surface. The difference, however, is the energy itself, and I have outlined and expanded more on that below.

But I would like to add here, that in finding a way to authentically express the true nature of what I perceive and understand is channeling through me, there was a conscious move away from referencing kundalini as a focal point. I have many reasons for this, which I feel called to talk about in more depth in a future writing, but for now will suffice to express this important point:

An activated Light Body is essential to your awakening and ascension process, and while your Light Body will always be activated when kundalini is truly flowing, a fully activated kundalini is not required to awaken, engage, and upgrade the Light Body.

To me, making this distinction is important, as it creates a space for people to begin to disengage from the mental constructs of awakeningand what I perceive as a disproportionate focus on kundalini, and to simply immerse themselves deeper into their own energetic experience, allowing this channeled and divinely-led guidance to assist in embracing your highly individualized awakening process.

 As always, everyone will continue to have their own particular experiences… that is the nature of our uniquely projected realities as we continue to open and evolve. With this work, there is never a right or wrong way to receive, only an opportunity for growth and the amplification of your perceptive capacities.

And so, as ever, I am inspired to move deeper into new spaces of expansion and self-realization, feeling deeply, this gift of evolution both individually and collectively.

It is a true honor to be on this path with you, and I look forward to seeing you sometime soon to continue on this journey of awakening so that together, we can shine more and more of our inner light out onto the world.

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