In and Out of Alignment

When emotions blind you. 
When the stories of the mind run amok. 
When the wisdom-body is ignored. 
When the energy is scattered and misdirected… 

We contract.
We become out of sorts. 
Out of balance. 
Out of alignment.

When we find these aspects of our being falling out of harmony, we invariably stumble, trip, and fall. 


Maybe you have felt and experienced this more times than you care to count. I certainly have.

And yet, this is the exact nature of being human. To move in and out of these various states of harmony/disharmony, expansion/contraction over and over again… sometimes not knowing or seeing what’s happening, and other times diving into that disharmony with eyes wide open. 

But eventually, understanding that the tripping and falling itself, is truly the only way we begin to see and understand the finer, more subtle aspects of our own self with greater clarity.

The fall IS the shift, the growth, the expansion. It is the necessary, uncomfortable turning upside down in order to realign right side up.

No baby has ever learned to walk without the uncomfortable benefit of repeatedly falling down first. No deep realization has ever been birthed without the underpinning of something gone amiss. And no embodied soul understands its truest essence without the human experience of repeatedly and necessarily falling out of harmony.

Contrast is the space where perception expands. 
Duality is the playground of your souls purpose.
Inner contraction is the same container as universal love and cosmic alignment.

So for today, in this moment, walking amidst this never-ending, ever-deepening swirl of movement, chaos and disarray – this thing we call life – all that is really required is presence, awareness and an unwavering commitment to not judging the process… yours or anyone else’s. 

In the seeming imperfection, all lands perfectly.
In the shifting landscape, all is being reorganized. 
In the moments of darkness, the light of your soul is preparing you for the next level…

…a place where you cannot help but understand that the contraction is as divinely orchestrated as the expansion.

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