Entering the Mystical

This is mystical work.
Then again, this is a mystical world.
And it’s ok if you don’t understand it-
-this world, the mysticism, life.

To be honest, often times I don’t really understand it either.
But what life will keep asking of you, is that you allow yourself the grace of stepping into the unknown.
To entertain possibilities you couldn’t or wouldn’t ordinarily entertain.
To allow space for things that feel like miracles.

Big miracles, which can only be birthed from a state of total and utter incomprehension.
Little miracles that, to the outside eye may not look like much, but to the person experiencing them, change life as they know it.

My higher directive over the last long while has been very specific and very clear:
Let go of the questions.
Let go of the answers.
Let go of trying to understand.
Let go of any need to conceptualize, contextualize, compartmentalize or contain.
Let go of needing to know.


Because you see, I’ve started to notice that new experiences, new wonders and new gifts are arriving daily. And I’ve also noticed that the more I surrender into the not-knowing, the more perceptive I am of what is actually and continuously flowing in.

The more I simply allow these particular manifestations of the universe to embody without questioning their meaning, without assigning them value, without creating any resistance through the complications of the mind, the more my understanding of them naturally expands.

This is the paradox of life.
The paradox not needing to know anything, because you already know everything you need to.
The paradox of consciously and joyously embodying spirit in any and every way it shows up.

Because I promise you… it will just keep showing up.

So, better that you recognize and honor its arrival, whether obvious or masked. Then, the real magic can begin.

4 thoughts on “Entering the Mystical

  1. Jeannine Harris says:

    Wow this resonates with me! I often refer to “that damn surrender message” that keeps coming back to me. Facing serious illness was a surprise opportunity for me to strip away more layers of ego and resistance. It took some time to see it that way lol. Being conscious of my own mortality has allowed me to connect to the eternal essence in a deeper way and find more love and gratitude for this mysterious and mystical journey.

    • Barbara Blum says:

      Beautiful perspective Jeannine! The universe has a way of making sure we get the teaching, one way or another. And generally it’s through pain and challenge… because while the comfort zone is nice, not much happens there! Big hugs to you, and grateful to share space, as always!

  2. anne katrin says:

    All resonates so deep in my heart,bones and soul. i am that intuitiv seeker and went in since 2017 literally like guided by a buddhist friends discussions, pilates neighborhood and mostly from ajeet music in the spiritual music, and kundaliniyoga topic. there was a lot behind and under the surface to learn.first to learn that redflags of ego gurus and cults. all researching driven by my mind brought me to mediation offers online by mahan kirn khalsa.my kundalini rising experience in 2024 completed a discovery of healing since 2005.I was unaware that the awakening was iniciated by traumatic event . too late I could find the answer for a longtime health crisis in 2024 : spiritual emergency asking all over for medical diagnosis and help for heavy fisical and mental simptoms kundalini energy I could not imagine since it was arising and pushed me like in a completly new life perspective. the going in the unknown by intuition becomes my inspiration for looking around and landing on like another planet of energy transmissions. I like to be a part of this individual and global awakening process . learning from barbaras perspektives and sharings that I apreciate so much . we are all related I believe in

  3. anne says:

    that is really that unique perspective I am falling in 100% with appreciation for discovering by “coincidence” your work online. that short times I already had to enjoy and experience from your offerings gave me a great inspiration and support finding a spiritual path through kundalini awakening process. trusting you gives myself a lot of selfconfidence. I love that going in the unknown by trusting own experiences, that magical behind life and behind your path and work. !thanks for all that dear barbara

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