Stepping into FearFear is a theme that, over the last couple years of my life, keeps popping up again and again. I wrote about it extensively after my trip to […]
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This is my fourth trip to India, and while I had a fair amount of things I wanted to do during my six months of travel, spending a huge chunk […]
Resistance vs Avoidance Which is your tendency? As humans we automatically contract away from that which is uncomfortable and as such, we have a natural tendency to approach a difficulty […]
Building a Joyful Home PracticeSo you get to the occasional or somewhat regular yoga class, but still, you feel like it’s not quite enough. Maybe it’s in consideration of time […]
Have you ever surrendered? I mean, complete and total surrender. Normally, I think we view this (and experience this) with the feeling of defeat. I give up. You win. But […]
Setting intention has never been one of my strong suits. I have always found myself unconsciously in the passive role of letting things come to me of their own accord. […]
These are the pieces buried in sand, settled precariously at the bottom of my ocean. It is time to detach, drift upwards and move towards the surface, compelled by the […]
Yoga: What’s is All About? The other day someone asked me what yoga is about. Not in general, but for me personally. And in that moment I was stopped by […]
When Yoga Let’s You Down What happens when you have been so enamored by the gifts of yoga… by the personal progress and transformation, by the growth and synthesis of […]
“Let your stability create expansion. Never let your expansion steal from your stability.” In my yoga teacher training we talked a lot about the stability of a pose vs. the […]