The Medicine is Inside

The medicine is inside.

Inside me, inside you. It’s sitting right next to the pain and discomfort, obstructed by the conditioning of the mind, obscured by all the fallacies that have been put upon you about who and what you are.

The medicine of your own innate power and all-knowing essence is just waiting be catalyzed and alchemized by your vulnerability and courage to step into spaces unknown, led solely by a deep inner calling toward truth… a cry from your higher self telling you the time is now. Now!

The path inward is an intricate dance, orchestrated by divine guidance, enhanced by intuition and directed by all the pain and perceived wrong doings in your life.

How much truth are you willing to receive? And how much authenticity are you willing to give? The great paradox is that there is an impossibly fine line between giving and receiving, and when you are in deep presence you see that there is simply no line at all.

That which you put out is precisely what you get back. The feedback loop never strays off course because it is the fundamental design of the universe. I inhale your exhale because our breath comes from the same source. I synthesize your pain because I dare to process my own. I receive the exact grace I endeavor to give.

Stepping into new space is uncomfortable and often requires an incredible amount of effort, and yet that exact effort, if executed with impeccable and unwavering awareness, will lead you directly into the grand flow of the universe, which by its very nature is pure and blissful ease.

Last year brought me so much insight along with a reiteration that I am living my dharma, and doing exactly what I came into this lifetime to do. It taught me about the raw power that is birthed in a state of humility and the unfathomable expansion that is rooted in grounding.
This year, a powerful new chapter begins – has already begun. And I am leaning into it with a ferocity like never before, while bowing down in total reverence and supplication to the ever-present guiding light of the universe which is nestled deep in my own little heart.

It’s a powerful ride and not for the feint of heart. Care to join?

Next Facilitator Training:
June 4-8, 2025
Yelapa, Mexico

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