It’s not Either/Or – it’s Both

The process of awakening, of finding the deepest essence of your truest self, is incredibly complex. It is an unfathomably complicated, intricately woven pattern in perpetual formation. Each separate thread is a breath… of pain, of joy, of frustration, sorrow and loss, of ecstasy, elation and deep satisfaction. 

Each inhale is a moment of divine medicine, and each exhale, the purification of that which is no longer serving your higher purpose. 

As we push forward into the depths of this arduous task of returning to our truth, who is to say what experience is good or bad, right or wrong? How can one possibly decide on the emphatic rightness or invalidity of what the creator itself has chosen to set in front of us? What you yourself, on some level, conscious or not, agreed upon?

Which thread of the tapestry is more or less valuable than the other? Can any thread ever be extracted without unraveling the whole? 

One persons medicine will always be poison to another, and that which pains your soul may well be the panacea to another’s. And therein lies the teaching – every single aspect of the entire range of human experience provides something for someone, somewhere. 

All of it is necessary. And yet…

While the highest perspective, or ‘ultimate truth’ is for us to be able to see and understand ALL perspectives, it’s imperative to remember that we cannot forego our own truth in order to validate another’s. 

This has been a massive and life-altering realization for me. Finding that balance between honoring my own truth while ALSO honoring the differing truths of others.

The human, dualistic experience surely and reflexively endeavors to shrink away from all that is uncomfortable. This is the natural biological reactivity of identifying solely with and moving primarily from our lower, unhealed energetic centers and states of consciousness. And it is a place we have all dwelled and where we periodically, or even frequently, revisit.

But as our perceptions and realizations rise and expand, as our breadth and depth of experience expands, and as we enter into the wide open vistas of the all-encompassing perspective of ‘ultimate truth’ which holds the totality of ALL possible perspectives, the pure expansiveness of the Universe within us begins to create a powerfully transformative state: A state where there is suddenly no more space for the judgements inherently embedded in the dualistic lens through which we normally experience life. 

From this expanded state, all perspectives are important, valid, and necessary. Here, the understanding and experiencing of pain is as powerful and important as that of joy. The embrace of fear is as welcomed as that of bliss. 

Blind reactivity becomes a more delicate and measured response. Utter chaos begins to predictably breed clandestine meaning. 

But know, that no part of this process can be simplified, bypassed or avoided. There is no formula, no instruction manual, no empirically correct map on how to attain and maintain this heightened awareness or expanded states of consciousness.

The awakening of each individual soul must move through its own unique trajectory in its own way, on it’s own timeline, allowing for the grace of the Universe to find its way in of its own accord. 

And it will. 

This grace is the embedded gem we have been gifted at birth, and should we begin to seek in earnest, open our hearts and drop our judgements to the very best of our ability, surrendering to the divinity that lies within every single being and experience, we are bound to find that gem… right smack dab in the middle of our own beautiful soul.

And so, I consciously and graciously remind myself of the importance of this ever-unfolding space, where I stand unmovable in the truth that is my own, while still allowing space for someone else’s perspective to provide that same foundation for them.

Sometimes these spaces converge in harmony and easeful alignment, and sometimes they blatantly clash and conflict. But either way, a space is there… a space of freedom and fluidity to contemplate it all. 

And this, my love, is the grace of awakening. 

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