For a moment, breathe deeply with me. Rich, full inhales. Slow, elongated exhales.
Without our breath, there is no life… and this statement moves far beyond our physical aspect. My dedicated years as a yogi have taught me that learning to breathe deeply and intentionally is a foundational aspect not just of physical life, but of the meaning behind it.
Our breath is a direct, tangible metaphor for existence itself.
Each cycle of breath is an embodiment of the creative/destructive process that every facet of creation moves through… from the smallest microbe to the unfathomable expanse of the cosmos itself.
This ebb and flow is an essential aspect of both our embodied lives as well as our spiritual evolution. The perpetual, never-ending cycle of manifestation and dissolution is the very nature of this dualistic reality we live in.
Every inhale is an imperative ingredient, a specific nourishment and fuel for the perpetuation of creative energy. Every exhale is a complete and total surrender, a cleansing and purifying of body, mind, heart and soul.
Our ability to touch the cosmos is, without question, most readily accessible in our own being through simply stopping and observing the ordinary, ever-present flow of divine life-force as it courses through our physical self.
If you have been on the spiritual path for a while, you have likely heard me and many others talk about the massive shift that is happening at this moment on earth. We sometimes experience this knowing through our own persistent desire to seek out spiritual guidance and understanding about who and what we are. But we also see it in the collective.
And there is so much moving through the collective consciousness right now. We are in the midst of a long, slow exhale that is clearing and purifying more than we can possibly comprehend. And as we continue to breathe in new perspectives and exhale what is no longer assisting our highest good, the collective continues to do the same.
But together, as we move within the ever-shifting cycles of change, it is imperative to remember that above all else, we must stay rooted in our own individual evolution. For it is precisely your conscious exhale that fuels my every inhale, whether you are aware of it or not. This understanding is, truly, the only way we heal the whole of the collective.
Currently, I find myself at the very bottom of a cosmic exhale… in the precise space where the out-breath has ended and the next inhale has not yet begun. In that moment, which can be fleeting in the human experience, but which can also feel eternal when we are connected to the essence of our soul, there lies an utter stillness… a clear, definable moment in between the observable reverberations of creation.
There is an unmistakable pause.
A specific space in between exhale and inhale, between dissolution of the old and creation of the new, between what used to be but no longer is, and what is yet to become.
It is a magical and mystical space to reside. But a fleeting one, to be sure. At least as long as we are connected to the shifting, dualistic nature of this reality.
But just as the body must reflexively take an eventual new breath, the soul too, must evolve into it’s next breath… one that is paradoxically yet methodically moving us away from duality, and moving us back toward the space and place we have forgotten all about upon coming back into a human vessel again.
This space is our innate perfection. Our complete, loving interconnectivity with all of existence. Our true non-dual nature and connection to source.
It is the embodiment of unity, oneness, pure love, expanded light, peace and harmony. A space where our soul always returns after physical death, to take its pause before starting this journey of learning and evolution all over again through the reincarnation process.
The difference now is, in the grand scheme of consciousness and the expansion it is undergoing, it is time for the cycles of duality to begin winding down, so that eventually, ALL of humanity can reside in the true essence of what we are. We have been in this evolutionary process for a very long time, but we have now turned a critical corner on the evolutionary path.
As we walk this human journey, it is often difficult to see any real movement or transformation. Sometimes an inhale is just an inhale and an exhale is just an exhale. We take it in stride and life goes on.
Yet we continue to push toward some unknown truth because something unseen and intangible compels us.
Our soul knows the way forward and pushes us there, even if in our human form we don’t have a full awareness or understanding of what that forward motion looks like.
And yet, there are undeniable moments when we’re not just aware of a newness creeping in, but we know its truth in the very bones and essence of our being.
The energies of AWAKENING have been with us for a long time, increasing the depth of our collective breath so we can begin to really nourish our soul for it’s continued journey, while purifying out all the remnants of previous soul-lessons learned.
But now, new energies are here, beginning to permeate everything. Some of us feel the unique relief of knowing where these energies are taking us, and some of us just see and deeply feel the intensity it is bringing to the planet.
But without question, all of humanity is affected by these increased, evolutionary energies.
These are the energies of ASCENSION. The cycles of death and rebirth are slowly coming to an end, great karmic cycles are clearing and closing, the true nature of reality is making itself known, and the ushering in of a new era, the Age of Aquarius, the return to what we have always been… divine, unconditional beings of love… is here.
While much of humanity is still in it’s collective 11th hour, for some of us, this IS the hour. We truly ARE the one’s we’ve been waiting for, and the time for a new state of being has come.
At present, I am being asked to complete this deep slow exhale and reside in the emptiness at the bottom of the breath… that space of letting everything go, knowing that this human/spiritual mechanism I live in, is soon ready for its next deep inhale… one that enables me to breathe life into a new state of consciousness.
How this fully unfolds remains to be seen, not just for me, but for all of us on our individual and collective journeys. But what I do know is that through sources mostly unseen, we are emphatically being held, guided, assisted and loved in a way our human-ness simply cannot understand. And embracing this takes an extraordinary amount of trust, faith, and surrender to the process.
My hope for you, always, is that you can embrace this divine process with the same faith and trust with which you know your next breath will arrive.