
I’d like to speak for a moment about authenticity.

The idea of stepping into authenticity is a theme that keeps coming up over and over again – for so many of the people I meet and work with, but also for me personally. 

So when something seems to be heavy in the collective, I like to stop and ask myself – Why is that?

My perspective is this: 

We are rapidly awakening and ascending… there is no doubt about that. And in order to step fully into our own, innate power and inherent divinity, all of the masks – the facades we have put up in order to shield, protect or minimize ourselves, must be gently dropped and discarded. For good. 

It’s time.

Your soul cannot possibly be anything but it’s true nature, which is utterly and perfectly joyful, content and divine. And if you are to fully align with this essence of your being – your souls true purpose – everything that is even remotely untrue, out of alignment or inconsistent with your hearts deepest knowing, must go.

It’s that simple. 

And yet it’s also very complicated. The mind will spin a million different stories, creating nothing short of chaos. Emotions of the past and of projected futures will also unquestionably have their say. And the body, the gatekeeper for this physical incarnation, stores and holds these mis-aligned pieces in so many subtle ways, that our false identification with it as our true self will inevitably get in the way too.

And yet, the soul and it’s trajectory toward self-realization in human form truly has the highest, loudest and most powerful voice. And the longer you choose to ignore that voice, the louder, clearer and more insistent it will get.

“The Cave you Fear to Enter Holds the Treasure that You Seek”

Since my spiritual journey began in earnest a couple of decades ago I have been uncovering the layers of inauthenticity, piece by piece, bit by bit. But these last few years, since finding my true purpose of being in service, I have been faced with all the ways I have avoided stepping into my own power by denying different aspects of my authentic self. 

This last year, it became apparent that stepping deeper into truth and authenticity was something that needed real tending to. And I can say this has been one of my biggest hurdles. But time and experience also continues to show me that to do so, reaps the greatest rewards.

The KAP modality has been a beautiful gateway into a segment of my soul-journey that had been waiting to come to fruition. I didn’t know I possessed the gift of transmission until I somehow found myself being led to KAP after my own kundalini awakening. But I must admit, my first year of facilitating was full of self-doubt and wondering – Am I even doing anything?

But once the answer to that question began to get clear, and I began to understand what was moving through me, I started to realize something else. Some aspect of my personal evolution was not being nurtured through KAP despite the transformation that the modality was providing to others, through me. And so, I began a deeper search to help open what felt stuck for me personally.

And since starting that search, I have found that nurture in a multitude of different ways.

Many of you have heard me talk about my work with Asil Toksal and what he terms “The Channel” – a collective consciousness from the angelic, archangelic and creator consciousness realm called The Elohim. This work has brought a powerful unfolding of more and more latent gifts, realizations and a new spiritual depth to everything I thought I already understood.

And although this work has been the most transformational part of my journey subsequent to what had opened through KAP, my yearning to go even deeper was, and still is, always present, and in the last several years I have traveled far and wide, working with and receiving from many different channels, teachers, gurus, mentors and guides. 

And all of this inner work has formed a beautiful foundation from which I can serve others through my unique lens, and through the energies I embody and transmit.

It has been an extraordinary journey thus far, and I can say with 100% certainty, it’s not over yet. More is coming online every day… for all of us.

But a moment has arrived on my journey, where the voice of my deepest, unexpressed, inner knowing has gotten so loud and so clear, that I am finally doing what has been needing to be done for a long while:

I am removing myself from underneath the KAP umbrella and will no longer give that transmission under that name, nor be identified as a KAP Facilitator.

The simple truth of this shift is that my “KAP” transmission encompasses so many other deep and powerful layers that do not originate from or have any connection to KAP founder Venant Wong’s transmission, and so continuing to call my transmission by that name feels like a dishonoring of all the other work I have done, and most importantly, it is a disservice to my own authenticity.

The energy I transmit is beautifully unique unto me. 

It is an amalgamation of the vast body of spiritual work and energetic initiations I have undergone, and it deserves its own recognition. And by stating that truth, without any attachment to outcome, I can step fully into my own autonomous power and let my soul guide me where it needs to go.

What is most interesting to me, is that the moment I made the decision a few months ago to finally move forward in the direction I needed to go, I felt the Universe and my highest self turn to me and say with utter and extreme clarity – Thank you… for finally honoring what is real. And in return, you can now embody even MORE.

More interesting still, was to see how the outer manifestations of reality then suddenly shifted and presented in such a way that only enabled this change to occur with even greater ease.

I am truly witnessing and experiencing how in pursuing one’s truth, there lies vast freedom. When you let go of residing in the mind and begin moving from the heart, the universe will always align with you to assist you on your path of true soul expression. We just have to get out of our own way.

So how does all this effect my work?

Well, other than the amplification of energies coming into full alignment… it doesn’t.

The only thing that really changes is the name of the KAP transmission. Like any metamorphosis, it is a process, and many possible iterations may unfold, but I will let the divine energies that flow through me be the guide.

For now, I will continue to offer the two different transmissions I have previously been giving, and while these two transmissions are very different, there is some subtle energetic cross-over, and I see and feel the ways they fully compliment each other.

As reformation is in process, I am simply calling my previously named KAP transmissions “Kundalini Transmissions” but this is simply a place-holder name, as it does not accurately represent the truth of my transmission or what I know is being delivered. This rebranding is in the process of unfolding.

I will also continue offering my “Cosmic Consciousness” transmission on a more regular basis, as this transmission speaks to and comes from the depth of my soul, and it seems to offer up a certain type of deep healing resonance for others that is hard to put words to.

If you have yet to experience this transmission, I would love to introduce you to it in an upcoming session.

And so, I wish to express my deep gratitude to you, for taking the time to read these words and hear their true intention, which is one of inspiration and integrity. And I would also like to thank you for your presence in my life, no matter how brief or sustained it has been. 

We are on a beautiful and extraordinary journey together, and life is unfolding in ways many of us could never have imagined. This alone, is an incredible gift, and my hope for you is that you will find and step into your own authentic truths, whatever they may be. 

Your brilliance is waiting to shine even brighter, and I look forward to continuing this journey together, and to supporting you in any way I am able.

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