Retreat Testimonials

Inner-Alchemy Energy Immersions
Worldwide Transformation Retreats


This retreat was transformative for me, it allowed me to reconnect with my vulnerability. Each session was different, some were very loving and some were very chaotic but they allowed me to connect with the creative source. I felt a very deep reconnection with my divinity and infinite peace. The activities we had allowed me to feel the connection and reconciliation with the masculine energy that was missing in my life, to be grateful for the feminine energy and to integrate it within me, allowing me to balance both energies in my being. Thank you for your magic Barbara!

Sheila G

This was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. Barbara pulled it off, beautiful place, amazing retreat center and I already feel things changing inside, KAP is sacred energy that is part of me already. Thank you Barbara!

Marcello F

Barbara offers online sessions every Saturday- [this is] how I got to try it. When I did it over the computer I couldn’t believe that I could feel it – I felt like I’d been plugged into an electrical outlet! I figured that if I could feel that way online, the in-person experience would be amazing. And it was. [The retreat] has changed my life. Truly. I absolutely 100% endorse KAP and the Barbara, the spiritual mentor who lead the sessions and retreat. The next one is in May!

Deborah V

Barbara is a true blessing! I not coincidently met her in Yelapa and had my first KAP session with her. It was such a moving and valuable session I contacted her when I returned home to learn more. She is open, patient and kind in teaching what she does. After one in person and one zoom KAP session, I chose to attend her retreat in Costa Rica and WOW!! Highly recommend stepping into a week of self work with Barbara. Thank you! I will be returning for another retreat for sure.

Laura G

Wow! This was a life changing experience. What to say? Well,  a safe place was created to explore and surrender to the KAP energy experience that is facilitated by Barbara.  She is an authentic Spirit of Grace, Insight, Love and so much more.  Impossible to put into words.  She invites and guides you from where you are. You are safe and welcome to BE.  For me, the Stars have begun to align. I am alive, worthy to be, to be ONE with the Divine Energy.  Breathe, Smile, Feel and Know.  Barbara: Thank YOU for Being and for Creating such a Divine Experience. My heart is dancing in the Light! 

Paul C

I’ve been to 2 retreats with Barbara now and they’ve both been life changing, lifting me into experiences that were undeniably powerful and profoundly transformative.The KAP energies change my body in the most amazing way – it’s like I’m stronger and lighter at the same time, the creativity that flows through is super healing and the states of consciousness that become accessible in the field – truly awe inspiring.I also want to say that when it comes to spiritual teachers Barbara is one of the purest and most dedicated I’ve known.

Julieanne C

If you are interested in energy at all and the universe has led you to Barbara, then you are in the right place. I have worked with Barbara online, at a retreat she hosted and in a private session. Each experience was more deep and amazing than the next! From our first online session, I could immediately feel what a powerful conduit of energy Barbara is. I saw visions and felt the energy moving through my body. Her retreat was the best retreat I have ever been on, and I have been on many! I have never felt so relaxed, yet energized with creative and divine force at the same time. In our private session, I literally felt myself in heaven and turned into a ball of glowing, pure light. A lot people working in the spiritual field can have a certain identity and/or ego. From the moment you meet Barbara, it’s clear she isn’t like that. She works from the most kind, honest and gentle place; her only desire being to give each client the best experience possible. With Barbara I felt safe, supported and cared for. I know we will keep working together. Again, if you’re here, you are in the right place. Work with Barbara, I can absolutely promise that you won’t regret it.

Anne F

I recently completed my first retreat with Barbara in beautiful Mexico. Not knowing much about energy, the people that would be there or even Barbara I was a little bit nervous. Barbara created a safe, warm and loving environment that allowed me to relax and receive energy healing work which definitely helped shift my consciousness.

I realized today she has truly helped me connect with myself and the support I received from every single person there was like nothing I have ever experienced before. The people that were called to attend or help out with that retreat were some of the kindest, smartest, thoughtful and compassionate people I have ever met.

A couple of days ago, I actually saw a pattern that would have prevented me from healing that emotional state, facing my inner fears and healing. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to convey all that I have and am receiving from this experience, so I will just send my love and gratitude to Barbara, everyone that held the space, and to everyone that is on this journey. Thank you.
Angel S

I recently had the privilege of attending the Alchemy Kundalini Activation Process retreat in Yelapa, Mexico, and from start to finish, every aspect of the retreat exceeded my expectations. First, Barbara is exceptional and authentic and her knowledge of KAP and other yogic wisdom is impressive. I felt safe and supported throughout the entire retreat, which allowed me to fully immerse in the transformative experience. The retreat center itself was stunning. Set in the heart of the Mexican jungle, it was a peaceful oasis that provided the perfect environment for deep healing and reflection. The accommodations were comfortable and well-appointed, and the meals were healthy and delicious. The natural beauty of the area was truly awe-inspiring. But what really made the retreat special was the group of people who attended. Everyone was kind, supportive, and committed to their own personal growth. The sense of community that developed over the course of the retreat was incredible, and I felt like I had made lifelong friends by the end of it. If you are looking for a transformative experience in a beautiful setting with a supportive community, a retreat with Barbara is definitely for you.

Valentina A

Words cannot express what I feel after this phenomenal experience. Barbara starts the retreat by bringing the group together weeks before the retreat. This allows for relationship building among the members of the group, but more importantly, the human connection which is essential to participate in this magnificent retreat. Barbara’s communication and leadership skills promote a stress free environment. Detailed instructions about the retreat are given to all the members of the group before arriving to beautiful Yelapa, Jalisco. 

Once in the retreat, one gets to meet all the members of the group and participate in all the different activities that target body, mind and soul. The organization and structure of the retreat allows for every member to focus on these components of their being. The beautiful setting and welcoming staff at Pura Vida feels like being in Paradise. This is where the magic happens!

The connections and Barbara’s KAP sessions help transform individuals from all walks of life who join the retreat. Barbara’s connection with the members of the group does not end with the retreat. Her connection continues well after the retreat, and this gives everyone a sense of ease.
Personally, I feel like a different person after completing this retreat. My heart has opened, and I am able to feel the Love, Peace and Harmony that I came looking for. I feel full and complete! I am forever grateful to have participated in this retreat and forever grateful with Barbara for having facilitated this beautiful, extraordinary experience.
Jose R

I have been fortunate enough to have Barbara Blum as a KAP teacher since the fall of 2021. I attended the 2022 May KAP retreat in Mexico and I will never be the same. I’ve learned more than I could have ever imagined -Let go of more than I ever thought possible – and am more aware of my own mind than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I wasted so many years, cloaking emotions for so long, when all I had to do was release their power – and through Barbara I have learned and will continue to learn to keep doing just that – Surrender!I am truly grateful, and changed for the better forever.I love energy work, Barbara is truly one of a kind, and I am filled with a lightness and joy I’ve never had. Her retreat was the best time of my life, and I would do it all over again, and plan to.

Amy M

I have been doing meditation, twice a day, since 1990 and as a seeker have tried numerous modalities to expand my consciousness. Hands down, KAP is the best modality I have ever experienced. As another KAP practitioner said, KAP is “very hard to believe, but impossible to deny”.

Two years ago, I learned about KAP via Venant Wong’s website and chose Barbara Blum as a facilitator. I had been doing KAP with Barbara via Zoom until a month ago when I signed up for her in-person retreat in Mexico. Even though, energy transmission occurs via Zoom, the experience at the retreat was extremely powerful.

This was such a magnificent experience, that I have signed up for both of her upcoming retreats (in April and July of 2023).
At Pura Vida Wellness center in the magical land of Yelapa, Mexico, she has created a perfect recipe consisting of yoga, massage, acupuncture, Sweat Lodge, Watsu, sound bath, and high-vibration food (vegan, vegetarian, raw) resulting in the best KAP experience possible.
She has also created an extremely powerful meditation called Conscious Transmission which is absolutely mind-blowing. In more than two decades of meditation, I have never experienced such a deep meditation.
Last but not least, Barbara creates a very safe space for you to go through the life-changing experience of KAP. You will feel held and secure through her expert guidance and genuine compassion.Whether you have been on your spiritual path for a long time or just began, KAP is the best possible modality to get you the result you have been seeking not only quickly but with much ease.
I highly recommend Barbara as a KAP facilitator and strongly suggest you would participate in her in-person retreat.
Noushin I

If you are reading this, don’t wait any longer; join the retreat now! Barbara is an authentic and trustworthy facilitator. This retreat gave me clarity, expansion, validation and a community I have been longing for. To say your life will change is an understatement, your life after this retreat will only get better. To more times like these! Thank you more please🙏🏻

Marien S
The KAP retreat experience for me was a beautiful and gentle unravelling of a self built cage. I come away full of lightness and gratitude for all that is. I feel KAP has the potential to move mountains for and within oneself and Barbara is an amazing guide and beacon of light. With much love and gratitude 🙏🏼
Sheetal S

What a beautiful thing KAP is. This retreat was so wonderful. Going into this with an open mind is all that’s needed. There doesn’t need to be a deep understanding of this energy, just let it do it’s work with no expectations and feel the magic happen.Barbara, I am forever grateful. Light and love

Amy S

It’s fabulous. There are no words to say how amazing and how grateful I am for this retreat held by Barbara. This is my second one. Gathering all of us together here in Mexico for the purpose of healing ourselves – these energetic processes have given each of us our own individual growth experiences, but I know and feel there is also an outward shifting to all lives everywhere. I have discovered how TO BE WHO I TRULY AM. Thank you…

Diep V

KAP has reignited my life. My first experience was at Barbara’s first alchemy retreat where I was gracefully and uncontrollably re-routed to my purpose. This innate energy knows how to guide you like no other. I feel the same way about Barbara. Her guidance and transmission of the KAP energy is rock solid with a tangible gentleness that allows it to flow in the safety of her container. The magic that occurs on these retreats is impossible to understand, but having been on two so far that were equally impactful- I have come to the conclusion that there are no coincidences. The retreat container brings an energy that will give you exactly what is needed and will begin to realign your life, bringing you back to your core purpose and divine spirit. That I know for sure!

Emily B

“Metanoia – the act of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life; spiritual conversion.” My deepest and most heartfelt gratitude to Barbara and the KAP experience for bringing me healing (that I didn’t even know I needed), support, and peace. I now fully know that Source is always with us and wants us to be happy and fulfill our life contract. This is a different process for everyone, but the end result seems to be a greater understanding that we are all one in LOVE.

Amy W

Paul – attended April ’23, July ’23, Nov ’23

Dan – attended November 2023

Bill – attended November 2023

Sheryl – attended November 2022

Davar – attended May ’22, Nov ’22, April ’23NOV ’23

Jane – attended November 2022

Amy – attended Nov ’22, May ’22, Nov ’21

Marian – attended November 2022

Diana – attended May 2022 & Nov 2022

Cheryl – attended November 2022

Kim – attended November 2022

Noushin – attended Nov ’22, April ’23, July ’23

Lauren – attended May 2022

Christy – attended May 2022

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